Everyday furniture producers face a very competitive market. One key to success is to find solutions that reduce the paint consumption and increase the transfer efficiency. Electrostatic application is one such solution and is commonly adopted on many wooden articles. The designers and engineers of furniture work hard to increase the number of items possible to coat with this kind of process. In order to get the perfect result choosing the most suitable coating is crucial. Our R&D Team have formulated several water-based products that guarantee the quality and performance necessary for the wide range of electrostatic spray guns on the market, and that comply with the severe solvent emission legislation that industrial producers need to meet. Ready to use, low VOC, easy to recycle, fast to dry: Sayerlack has developed a full range of water-based products to satisfy any need of high speed, high effency, electrostatic equipment application.
Clear basecoat AU0420/00 ensures high build, excellent sandability and fast drying. It’s a very versatile water-based product that fits the requirements of the electrostatic application method. With perfect sanding and high covering, this product is highly recommended in order to get the highest quality.
The extra verticality of the topcoats of the water-based series AT71**/00 and AT7125/BV allow to perfect application whatever quantity, no matter what the shape of the substrate is. The wide range of gloss levels of AT71**/00, as well as the chemical and physical performances, satisfy the demanding needs of the furniture market. This product is so versatile that can also be used as a self-sealer when quality and production simplification have the priority over sandability. AT7125/BV as well is generally used as self-sealer in electrostatic applications.
The universal clear AF49**/A0 and the universal white AF4935/13 are water-based self-sealers that fit many different applications, including the electrostatic. The possibility to use the same product as first and second layer obtaining very good covering is the advantage that simplifies and standardizes the production process and stockage.
The extra covering water-based clear topcoat ATL3869/00 is the answer to achieve a good result with a very minimal effort. The good verticality and building power, together with the perfect flow and levelling, guarantee to get with only one application the result that is usually achieved with two coats. Production time is reduced and sanding activities are no longer needed; this both reduces the costs while increasing efficiency of many production lines.