One of the most important challenges that our system is called to face, an integral part of the activity and the production growth process, is the reduction of the environmental impact, understood in terms of consumption of natural resources and the production of harmful emissions. Sayerlack, which has always paid great attention to the environment and the well-being of people, evaluates the impact of its activities and products, in order to manage the environmental aspects by promoting the use of the best available technologies and the efficient use of resources. natural. This is why it orients the objectives of its research and all formulations towards the maximum reduction of solvents and the elimination of hazardous substances, adopting suitable measures to limit the effects of its activities on the ecosystem.
Reduction of environmental impact, sustainability, environmental performance, ecological transition, green, are the terms that are rapidly outlining the development path of companies and products. The market is in fact moving towards sustainable products and solutions, with a strong increase in demand, in the belief that this will be the challenge to be played in the near future. In this scenario, it becomes essential that official certifications are consolidated.
For these reasons Sayerlack has decided to join, contributing with its skills and experience, to the innovative Serramento Green project promoted by the LegnoLegnoConsortium, partner of a project co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union to support the dissemination of the “Made in Green Italy ”, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition to enhance Italian products with the best environmental performance.
Serramento Green, the first national project in the sector, aims to improve environmental performance and create new market opportunities for wooden windows and doors, strengthening their role in buildings subject to sustainability certification, optimizing methods of analysis and environmental labeling systems, calling the supply chain to collaborate and make their important contribution to their environmental sustainability.
The project aims to make Made in Italy products of high environmental quality recognizable on the market, disseminating reliable schemes and methodologies for calculating environmental impacts that allow easy comparison between products, and promoting transparent and effective communication.